After leaving Two People’s Bay, we still had quite a ways to go, about 260 km until the stop for the night in Ravensthorpe. It was inevitable that we would have to answer the “call of nature” at some point. Luckily the point we chose was Jerramungup, just north of Fitzgerald River National Park!
After visiting the roadhouse, I heard a different sort of “call of nature” that I hadn’t heard before but it was vaguely similar to the Pygmy Parrots in Nimbokrang last year. Right across the street was a park full of flowering gum trees – perfect parrot food so my hopes were high!
Drawing closer and peering up into the branches, I was thrilled to see tiny little Purple-crowned Lorikeets! They had eluded us in Albany and Stirling Range so I was so grateful to finally find some!
We hung around the park just enjoying the antics of the cute little lorikeets when all of a sudden they took off en-masse, flew around the area a couple times so I could get a few photos in, then disappeared into the bush for their nightly roost. What a treat to see these little guys so unexpectedly!