Malabar Parakeet (Psittacula columboides)

The Malabar Parakeet (Psittacula columboides) is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful of all the parrots in the world!  They are the highlight of a trip to Kerala and and I can vouch that they are easily seen in Thattekad Sanctuary.

Malabar Parakeet (Psittacula columboides)

Malabar Parakeet (Psittacula columboides)

Here’s a link to a much better photo of a Malabar Parakeet by Devaraja N.  It’s truly amazing so please click on it!

The green shading here shows their natural habitat in the wild – Western Ghats, India from lat. 19N south to S Kerala.  For more information on how to see them, see my series on how to get to Kerala.

Malabar Parakeet Distribution

Thankfully they are not endangered and we hope they stay that way!   They are found from 450-1000m (1476-3280 ft) in upland evergreen rainforest, both primary and secondary. Also found in deciduous forest with bamboo and abandoned coffee and rubber plantations.  Here’s some more information.

Finally to finish up this profile, here’s a video clip which shows a pair feeding in the wild.


Puerto Rican Amazon (Amazona vittata)

The Puerto Rican Amazon (Amazona vittata), also known as the Puerto Rican Parrot or Iguaca, is the only bird endemic to the archipelago of Puerto Rico belonging to the Neotropical genus Amazona.  The species is the only remaining native parrot in Puerto Rico and has been listed as critically endangered by the World Conservation Union since 1994. Once widespread and abundant, the population declined drastically in the 19th and early 20th centuries with the removal of most of its native habitat; the species completely vanished from Vieques and Mona Island, nearby to the main island of Puerto Rico. Conservation efforts commenced in 1968 to save the bird from extinction. In 2006, the total estimated population was 34 to 40 individuals in the wild and 143 individuals in captivity.

Puerto Rican Amazon (Amazona vittata)

They can only be seen in El Yunque Rainforest on the island of Puerto Rico.   You can use miles to get to Puerto Rico and stay in various hotels around the island.

Range of Puerto Rican Amazon

They are one of the world’s rarest parrot species with only 60-70 in the wild, about 269 (2011) in captive breeding programme, for a total of 320+.  See the Puerto Rican Parrot Project (Rio Abajo aviary) website for more details.

Nesting Pair

And finally a short video about them.

Beware Of Feathered Thieves In New Zealand!

Naughty Kea

I’m sure everyone has read hundreds of “how to stay safe from thieves” articles on travel blogs and  websites.  But who could have anticipated in highway robbery out in the New Zealand bush?  I know it wasn’t funny to the tourist who had his bag snatched by a Kea, but it is funny to think of birds  lining their nests with £50 notes!  Full story.

Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus)

The Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus) is a parrot native to the Solomon Islands, Sumba, New Guinea and nearby islands, northeastern Australia and the Maluku Islands (Moluccas).

They are not the easiest locations to visit on miles but often the thrill of the chase for that perfect photo can lead you there.  Could anything be more exciting than the brilliant ruby red and deep sapphire blue of the female Eclectus and the dazzling emerald green of the male peeking through the trees in the rainforest?  My preferred location to see Eclectus parrots is in West Papua just because it is cheaper to get to with miles for Aussies at least and you can travel independently, hiring local guides to help you find the birds.

Female Eclectus Parrot


Male Eclectus Parrot

Eclectus Parrots can be found in roughly the same habitat as the Palm Cockatoo which I blogged about yesterday.

Here’s a great video with a glimpse into the life of the Eclectus Parrots!  How many women will see this and wish they were a female Ekkie?  But then again the males are rather naughty too!

Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus)

Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus)


Dramatic and majestic, the Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus) is high on most birder’s list of dream birds to see in the wild.  They can only be found in the far north of Queensland, Australia, Papua New Guinea and West Papua, Indonesia.  These are all countries on the Top Twelve countries to see wild parrots so all are well worth a visit.

Palm Cockatoo Habitat


Seeing them in Australia won’t be cheap.  You have to get to Weipa, then get to Iron Range National Park.  Sorry Star Alliance members, only One World airline Qantas can get you here!  Redemptions using Qantas Frequent Flyer points start at 8000 each way from Cairns to Weipa.  You could also use Avios if you are coming from elsewhere in Queensland for 4500-7500 Avios.  If you are starting elsewhere in Australia you can use American Airlines miles for anywhere within Australia to Weipa for 10,000 miles.  Once here, you can either join an organized tour or make your way to Iron Range National Park by hired 4WD.  Avoid coming here between November to March due to extreme heat, humidity and danger from cyclones.

Even for Australians, it can be easier and cheaper to see them in Indonesia.  Use miles to get to Jakarta or Bali, then a domestic carrier such as Sriwijaya to get to Sorong, Manokwari or Jayapura.  Stay tuned for detailed destinations guides when I return from my own trip there!

Here’s some websites to read and a video with a bit more information.

Birdlife Australia

World Parrot Trust

Golden Parakeets Population Is Increasing!

This beautiful species is my all-time favourite bird and is very important to me.  Last September, we went to Itaituba, Brazil to see them in the Amazonia National Park.  It’s not the easiest place to get to and I will be doing a full blog on how to do it later but I just had to share this fantastic news!  You can read the whole story on Birdlife International.

Golden Cover

Golden Parakeets (Guarouba guarouba)

List Of Parrots In Guatemala

Military Macaw – Ara militaris

Scarlet Macaw – Ara macao

Green Parakeet – Aratinga holochlora

Pacific Parakeet – Aratinga strenua

Olive-throated Parakeet – Aratinga nana

Orange-fronted Parakeet – Aratinga canicularis

Barred Parakeet – Bolborhynchus lineola

Orange-chinned Parakeet – Brotogeris jugularis

Brown-hooded Parrot – Pyrilia haematotis

White-crowned Parrot – Pionus senilis

White-fronted Parrot – Amazona albifrons

Red-lored Parrot – Amazona autumnalis

Mealy Parrot – Amazona farinosa

Yellow-naped Parrot – Amazona auropalliata

List Of Parrots In China

Alexandrine Parakeet – Psittacula eupatria

Rose-ringed Parakeet – Psittacula krameri

Slaty-headed Parakeet – Psittacula himalayana

Gray-headed Parakeet – Psittacula finschii

Blossom-headed Parakeet – Psittacula roseata

Derbyan Parakeet – Psittacula derbiana

Red-breasted Parakeet-  Psittacula alexandri

Vernal Hanging-Parrot-  Loriculus vernalis

List Of Parrots In Burma (Myanmar)

Blue-rumped Parrot – Psittinus cyanurus

Alexandrine Parakeet – Psittacula eupatria

Rose-ringed Parakeet – Psittacula krameri

Gray-headed Parakeet – Psittacula finschii

Blossom-headed Parakeet – Psittacula roseata

Red-breasted Parakeet – Psittacula alexandri

Long-tailed Parakeet – Psittacula longicauda

Vernal Hanging-Parrot – Loriculus vernalis

List Of Parrots In Belize

Scarlet Macaw – Ara macao

Olive-throated Parakeet – Aratinga nana

Orange-chinned Parakeet – Brotogeris jugularis

Brown-hooded Parrot – Pionopsitta haematotis

White-crowned Parrot – Pionus senilis

Yellow-lored Amazon – Amazona xantholora

White-fronted Amazon – Amazona albifrons

Red-lored Amazon – Amazona autumnalis

Yellow-headed Amazon – Amazona oratrix

Yellow-crowned Amazon – Amazona ochrocephala

Yellow-naped Amazon – Amazona auropalliata

Mealy Amazon – Amazona farinosa