Last year when we did our trip, we would have been flying on Trip Airlines if we hadn’t chosen to take the bus to certain eco-tourism hotspots such as Alta Floresta and Itaituba. Now, Trip has merged with Azul Airlines. It’s become much easier to book on them as they now have a foreigner’s booking mode. The old Trip Airlines didn’t accept non-Brazilian credit cards. Click on the US flag for an English version. I have highlighed in yellow some airports that would be of interest to eco-tourists. Sorry no frequent flyer program but at least the fares aren’t expensive!
Azul Airlines
I will use Cuiaba to Alta Floresta for this example since it’s a popular way to get to the amazing Cristalino Jungle Lodge. The mid-day flight costs a bit more but the Cristalino folks will pick you up at the airport and take you straight to the lodge. If you take the cheaper night flight, you will require an overnight stay at Floresta Amazonica Hotel which is still a really nice place and one of the easiest places to see Crimson-bellied Conures and a Harpy Eagle family.
Choose your flight and the full price with tax will appear to the right,
Note the pop-up that tells you the English website takes only non-Brazilian credit cards. The rest of the procedure is like any other airline. Fill in your details, credit card, pay and you’re off!