The Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea), also known as the bare-eyed cockatoo, blood-stained cockatoo, short-billed corella, little cockatoo and blue-eyed cockatoo, is a white cockatoo native to Australia and southern New Guinea. It was known as Birdirra among the Yindjibarndi people of the central and western Pilbara.
Little Corellas are seen just about everywhere, often flocking together with Galahs. They frequent the park near my house, I can hear them flying overhead most mornings. They have a huge range in Australia and are found in all capital cities so whichever gateway city you use, you are bound to see them even before you hit the bush!
Some amusing behavior by Little Corellas in this compilation.
Corellas of a feather floch together!