I’ve seen a lot of other bloggers run contests so I am going to try it! In my first ever contest, you can win a beautiful 2014 calendar from the World Parrot Trust! Each month shows a photo of a stunning wild parrot to brighten your home or office year round!
To enter, all you have to do is post your favourite bird species in the comments below. If you are a first time commenter, it will go to the moderation queue (spam blocker) so don’t worry. I will approve it as soon as I wake up in Australia and see it.
I need to be able to contact you so please make sure you use your real email (no one sees it but me). You don’t have to use your real name as your commenting name if you don’t want to.
One entry per person. If you also include the scientific name of the bird, you will get 2 entries. Example: Scarlet Macaw, Ara macao.
The contest ends on Sunday 24 November, 6pm Brisbane Australia time. That will be Saturday midnight 23 November for Americans PST.
I will use the random number generator to choose the winner, then contact you for your shipping address. I will buy the calendar on the World Parrot Trust’s e-store and have it shipped directly to you.
Orange-bellied Parrots
Major Mitchell Cockatoo, Cacatua leadbeateri
Psittacus erithacus timneh
Umbrella cockatoo
Cacatua alba
Kakapo, Strigops habroptilus
Goffin’s cockatoo, aka, Goffin’s corella, Tanimbar corella, Cacatua goffiniana 🙂
Scarlet Macaw!!!
Can it really be anything but the Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)?
African Grey parrot, Psittacus erythacus erythacus
African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Thanks for the fun contest.
i love parrot calendars and put them all over the house
Duyvenbode’s Lory
Kea – Nestor notabilis
All Macaws! 🙂 but in truth all parrots! But I relate & connect the most with Macaws
Thank you for your entries. The contest is now closed and I will post the winner shortly.
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