The purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) is a “swamp hen” in the rail family Rallidae. Also known locally as the pūkeko, African purple swamphen, purple moorhen, purple gallinule or purple coot. From its French name talève sultane, it is also known as the sultana bird.
This chicken-sized bird, with its large feet, bright plumage and red bill and frontal shield is easily-recognisable in its native range. Quite a large range too! I’ve seen them in India as well as the ones above in Yanchep, Western Australia. I’ve also seen them “Takehe” in New Zealand. You don’t need to plan a birding trip around them, you are pretty much bound to see them anywhere in their range.
Wikipedia – (List of Subspecies)
Here’s one from Australia.
And another one from India.