Red-and-green Macaw aka Green-winged Macaw (Ara chloropterus)

The Green-winged Macaw (Ara chloropterus), also known as the Red-and-green Macaw, is a large mostly-red macaw of the Ara genus.  This is the largest of the Ara genus, widespread in the forests and woodlands of northern and central South America. However, in common with other macaws, in recent years there has been a marked decline in its numbers due to habitat loss and illegal capture for the parrot trade.  I haven’t been able to get a close-up shot in the wild so this photo is from the bird park near Iguassu Falls.


All my other photos are more like this – macaws gracefully flying through the rainforest.


They have a large range in South America and can be seen easily in the birding hotspots of Tambopata (clay licks), Pantanal & Cristalino.

gw macaw



World Parrot Trust


Neotropical Birds


Loving couple


Red & Gren Macaws get along well with other large macaws and can often be seen flocking together, especially at clay licks.  This clip was taken at Manu and you can see them sharing a food table with other macaws.


The Enigmatic Macaws Of Tambopata

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words is this video worth?  Sorry, they don’t allow embedding but click on the link below to watch it on Vimeo.

The enigmatic Macaws of Tambopata from Christian Declercq on Vimeo.

Every time I watch this I want to book the next flight back to Peru.  If you are inspired, check out the other posts I have on how to see the Enigmatic Macaws of Tambopata for yourself!

Getting to Peru

Gateway Lima

Getting to Tambopata

Choosing an Eco-Lodge

Tambopata Eco-Lodges

Review of Refugio Amazonas and Tambopata Research Center