The Long-billed Corella (Cacatua tenuirostris), or Slender-billed Corella is a cockatoo native to Australia, which is similar in appearance to the Little Corella and Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. This species is mostly white, with a reddish-pink face and forehead, and has a long pale beak, which is used to dig for roots and seeds. It has reddish-pink feathers on the breast and belly.
While they are normally found in Victoria and New South Wales, small populations of Long-billed Corellas can be found in other areas of Australia usually public parklands in metropolitan areas. They are probably escaped pets or breeder birds. I saw these birds in Joondalup near Perth.
This is the only embeddable video I could find.
This one is longer, more recent and higher quality but since it’s on Vimeo I can’t embed it. It shows some wonderfully playful behaviour! Click here.