An Afternoon On The Lake – Napo Wildlife Center

After an awesome experience at the Canopy Tower in the morning, the afternoon was a more relaxed experience.  While we were at lunch, our guide called us over to one side of the restaurant and pointed out a beautiful Golden-mantled Tamarin sitting on a tree nearby.

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After some time to rest up, we were back in the paddleboats for a short trip around the lake area.  First off the bat were some bats!IMG_4139

White-winged SwallowIMG_3912a

Red-capped CardinalIMG_3910 IMG_3911a

Straited HeronIMG_3919 IMG_3921

Tropical KingbirdIMG_3913

A tiny frogDSCN1890 DSCN1891 DSCN1889


Giant River Otters who clearly weren’t happy to see us!DSCN1880 DSCN1882 DSCN1883 DSCN1886 DSCN1885

And a sunset to finish off the day!