The Birds Of Stirling Range – Pictorial

I’ve already blogged about the Stirling Range National Park but it got too long so I saved the bird photos for this post.  Just as a reminder, here are the bird lists that have been recorded here:

Since we have the long Easter weekend coming up, over the next 4 days, I will get caught up on some bird profiles and then move on to the next stop which was Two People’s Bay.  So for now, just enjoy some of these beautiful birds!
Regent Parrot
Elegant ParrotIMG_5021 IMG_5024a IMG_5027a IMG_5037
Dusky Wood Swallows (I think)IMG_5044
Owlet NightjarIMG_5047 IMG_5051a
Elegant ParrotIMG_5069 IMG_5072
Singing Honey-eaterIMG_5074
Elegant ParrotIMG_5077 IMG_5078
Splendid Fairy-wrenIMG_5081 IMG_5084 IMG_5086
Elegant ParrotIMG_5100 IMG_5104 IMG_5105
Australian RingneckIMG_5113 IMG_5118 IMG_5126 IMG_5135
Regent ParrotsIMG_5157a IMG_5170 IMG_5173 IMG_5178a IMG_5184 IMG_5206 IMG_5213 IMG_5229
Western RosellaIMG_5261 IMG_5263 IMG_5265
Elegant ParrotIMG_5268
Elegant ParrotIMG_5270
Elegant ParrotIMG_5280
Australian Owlet NightjarIMG_5285