This would be our last chance for birding in Namibia before heading home. After leaving Huab Lodge, we headed south to Omaruru via Outjo to avoid dirt roads. I had had enough of those to last a lifetime! We arrived in Omaruru around 3pm so headed off towards the Erongo Wilderness Area for birding before heading to the hotel for an overnight stop.

Approaching Erongo Wilderness Lodge which has a gorgeous setting but was way out of our budget.

What’s this? Looks interesting! (Seen on the Erongo Road)
Shaft-tailed Whydah

There is a guarded gate but they let us in, no problem.

We were planning to go to the lodge, have a drink at the bar and see as many birds as possible. We were stopped in our tracks by a bad road.

Lower car park, lodge guests are given transport if they can’t drive themselves but not day-trippers.
Bad photo of a beautiful Violet Wood-hoopoe

We stopped in here for a quick look around and I was hoping they had some of those Lovebird artworks for sale (they don’t). I wish I had known Camp Mara existed, we would have stayed here! For future reference: Camp Mara

With the sun rapidly going down, it was time to go to the hotel we already booked: Omaruru Guesthouse.
Good morning! Time for some early birding before the final drive back to Windhoek Airport and the flight home!
OK, OK we will Go-away, Bird!
Flock of Rosy-faced Lovebirds
Pale-winged Starling

Let’s see if I can get a decent shot of a Rosy-faced Lovebird in flight!
Not this one!

Getting better!
These next 2 were the best I can do, they are a pretty small and fast target!

A final goodbye to Omaruru as we drive to Windhoek.