The Western Corella (Cacatua pastinator) formerly known as the Western Long-billed Corella, is a species of white cockatoo endemic to south-western Western Australia.
Although this looks like a small range, once you are in the area, they are easily spotted. Most local birders will tell you to go to Lake Muir and after leaving Narrogin, that was where we were headed. We didn’t have to go that far as we spotted a huge flock near Frankland River. The nice thing about watching any Cockatoo species is that they are good at making their presence known! See the yellow highlighted map below for the best places to look for Western Corellas in relation to Albany and Stirling Range. At this point you are around 4 hours drive from Perth and using your miles to get to Australia.
These birds were not shy and let us approach fairly close for good photos! There were probably around 80 in the entire flock.
“Mixed Marriage”