This will mostly make sense to my readers coming from the miles & points community as they are used to seeing some of their favourite bloggers blogging live from planes, hotels and airport lounges. I have never been able to figure out why they aren’t worried about their home security, especially as many of them are very well known and publish their full names. I am a lot more paranoid about home security.
You will never see me posting details and dates of upcoming trips. You will also see a post appear every day on this blog whether I am at home or not as I pre-write them and schedule them to appear on a certain day. I am lucky that since I don’t have a time sensitive “deals” blog and that my subject of travel for birding is pretty timeless so I can get away with pre-blogging! It does mean that I won’t be able to answer comments until I get back in most cases since I travel to places where there is no internet or the internet is extremely expensive.
I am not traveling now but when I am, you won’t know until I get home and start blogging about it! Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the post of the day which will always be appropriate to the topics of travel, birding or both!